Ste tu prvý raz?
Do zobrazeného prihlasovacieho okna, zadajte „ Používateľské meno“ a „Heslo“, ktoré vám boli poskytnuté zamestnávateľom.
Pre uľahčenie prihlásenia sa do aplikácie a štúdia učebných materiálov, vám odporúčame postupovať podľa návodu.
Prajeme Vám úspešné štúdium.
Are you here for the first time?
Dear suppliers, here you can self-study periodical training on general competence for workers performing activities in MO34, and selected sectors of EBO/EMO via modern electronic way – eLearning. Therefore, it is completely up to you when and where you study, it can be done home, at work, basically everywhere with an internet connection.
To log-in, fill in the table with “Login” and “Password” provided by your employer.
For logging-in as well as making your study easier, please follow the manual.
We wish you a successful study.